Wednesday, August 26, 2015

John Starts School! And Another Year Begins....

Oh my, how excited John was to begin school for the first time! I have loved our sweet days together for four short years. But at last, it was his turn.
We had a party to celebrate the night before, laid out clothes and practiced his teachers' names. The kid wasn't nervous at all. He was ready!

Off he went with Madeline and Charlie into Rob's car, shuttling them all to the giant International School of Luxembourg. Pre-Kindergarten in Luxembourg is all day, every day. Whew -- that's a big transition! I got to attend the first day with John. On the second day, Miss Lambert and Miss Jenna held his little hand and led him into the classroom. When I left, he was sitting on Miss Jenna's lap listening to a story. There were a few tiny bumps the first month. On the third day, he hid in the garage. And Miss Lambert told me he was hiding in the playground equipment when it was time to come in from recess. But it didn't take long for him to adjust to his long days. He eats a beautiful European lunch at school every day, and has a lovely 45-minute rest time on a cot mid day. Just like Madeline and Charlie, he takes a french lesson four days a week. His teachers are out of this world.

And with that, my three big kids were off. Another year. Third, first and Pre-K. I couldn't be prouder! Every school day since he can remember, John has waved to Madeline and Charlie at our front window as they drive away. It's our little tradition. Now Bitsy and I wave at the three of them!