Sunday, November 22, 2015

Christmas Pictures at a Fort

I never want to forget exactly what these little faces look like at each age and stage, so I'm eternally grateful to my dear friend, Biz, for the way she captures our family from behind her lens. After our castle visit last June, we visited Fort Thungen, a fortification from 1730 that sits beside Luxembourg's modern art museum, for our Christmas pictures this year.
John picked up this snail during the shoot.

The glass modern art museum is behind the fort

Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Saga of the Lost "Loveys"

During our transfer from Milwaukee to Europe, John's blankee (or "doodoo" as they call it here) was packed up in a box and loaded on the moving truck, not to be seen again for months as it sat on a dock and traveled by boat across the ocean. So as we prepared for our transatlantic flight, the jet lag we knew was coming once we landed, and most of all, the giant transition from the States to Luxembourg, I was heartbroken that he wouldn't have his little 12x12 inch blue and brown security blanket. His world was about to change.

Rob delivered the news to me on the phone as the movers finished loading the last pieces of furniture onto the truck. That was the moment when I finally cracked under the pressure of a fast-paced international move with three kids while six-months-pregnant. In a frantic, hormonal, somewhat high-pitched voice, I told Rob to offer each mover $200 bucks and a steak dinner to unload the damn truck and open every box until they found it. I heard the words coming out of my mouth, and I didn't even care how awful they sounded. That night, Rob ran out to Kohl's and bought John a soft bathroom hand towel that had an embroidered "J" on it in the hopes that it would serve as a temporary replacement.

It didn't.

So it was a rough couple of nights, particularly since we were all crammed in hotel rooms while John learned to fall asleep without his blankee for the first time in his life. But Charlie lent John his "Sleepy Bear," a sweet little blanket with a tiny bear's head, and within a week, John was attached to his new lovey.....much to Charlie's disappointment! It was only supposed to be a loaner! Sweet generous Charlie. When we eventually unpacked the original blankee, John could have cared less about it. He had moved on.

Meanwhile, in the midst of all this blankee drama, Madeline left her beloved Little Giraffe pink blankee in a cab en route to the airport. We couldn't believe it. Two of my children lost their transitional objects during the biggest transition of their young lives!

In a strange way, I'm attached to their loveys too. I've handed them these soft and sometimes smelly blankets at every nap and bedtime for years. It's a surefire way to comfort, soothe, and ease a child to sleep.... You know that question, "If your house caught on fire and you could only save one thing?" Yep. I'd probably snatch my kids' blankets and run out the door.

And so, I relieved these moments of loss last week when we got home from London and realized John left Sleepy Bear somewhere on our travel day home. We called the airport in Lux and London. Someone on our flight left behind a blue tie....but they did not find Sleepy Bear. Our first night home, I handed John one of the three blankees I bought and had embroidered to look identical to the original blankee we lost in Wisconsin (which Aunt Andi once found under his upholstered rocking chair on an emergency scouting trip by following her nose!). He cried a little, but stuffed it in his mouth as is his habit, and eventually drifted off to sleep.

I never heard a peep about it again. Besides asking me to send an "important letter" to the airport the second day Sleepy Bear was gone, John has never mentioned it since. Well, until yesterday. He asked matter-of-factly, "Mommy, did anyone find Sleepy Bear?" It about broke my heart to answer him honestly. But this time around, I never freaked out. I knew it would be okay, even though John and I both felt sad. And I still feel sad when I imagine Sleepy Bear sitting discarded on a chair somewhere. Or when I remember Madeline's blanket with its worn spots on the satin lining that she rubbed between her fingers and the soft chenille that was washed so many times it became matted and nubby.

It's such a testament to the resiliency of kids. And an important lesson to me to have confidence in my children's ability to adjust and move on.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Elizabeth Turns One

Every single day with Elizabeth has been a dream come true since the moment she was born. She has added so much joy to our's just ridiculous how much we ALL adore her! We couldn't wait to celebrate our baby girl's first birthday in a big way!

During our fall break in London, we had a fancy tea party for Miss Bitsy at the Ritz! When I called to make reservations, I asked if children were allowed in the tea room. "The Ritz is a family business!" said the lovely operator. "We love children!" 

We all got dressed up according to the dining room dress code -- the boys in smart jackets and bow ties, us girls in dresses, and Elizabeth in her sparkly birthday tutu I ordered months ago for the occasion. The experience was perfect from top to bottom -- never stuffy, totally fun. Rob is now a full-fledged tea drinker. (His favorite flavor is Lady Grey, which Charlie changed on the box with a permanent marker to "Man Grey"). 

The best moment of the day was when Bitsy's personalized cake came out to the table -- the pianist played Happy Birthday and the entire room clapped! Of course I cried like a baby! 

I say this with all of my heart.....Bitsy, you are TRULY gift from God!

Bitsy's first ever birthday flowers from Daddy!