Saturday, December 12, 2015

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

After a sweet family Thanksgiving celebration, we picked out a live Christmas tree, turned on the carols and decorated every night for the next week. Tinsel the elf made his annual appearance, and we began our "Christmas story and tea" tradition.

Couple of turkeys.
We found a turkey, whipped up mashed potatoes and made cranberry sauce. Bam!
Hi Tinsel!
Our first Christmas tea...a nightly ritual after dinner.
Madeline was so excited to introduce Bitsy to Tinsel the elf. 
Underwear...don't care.

Like last year, we took a vintage steam train through the Luxembourg country side to see St. Nicholas. The tickets sell out in October!

The kids had darling Winter programs at school (Rob attended Madeline's Grade 3 concert last month). Charlie even sang a little solo!
Charlie's class had a party afterwards!

The first weekend in December, we threw a holiday open house with more than 40 kids and 40 adults. We were thrilled to have our home filled with new friends from all over the world -- Iceland, Sweden, South Africa, Scotland, Israel, Turkey and of course, the good 'ol USA.

Mary and Kristine
The Moss Family
Mary from Seattle
Our little Christmas fairy
Biz, Meredith and baby Sebastian
Pantsless John added Christmas joy to everyone he passed.....
Leanne from Louisville
We popped into the charming Luxembourg Christmas market several times. Rob and the kids rode the Ferris wheel and we ate salmon roasted over an open flame.

The Duke and Duchess decorated their palace....
One Saturday, we went over to the British bookstore, Chapter One, to hear Father Christmas read stories.

And on December 13, we celebrated St. Lucia Day! The kids woke up early, put on their outfits, brewed fresh coffee (Rob and I prepped the machine the night before), loaded up the tray with rolls, and came into our bedroom at 6:30am. It's a tradition we all look forward to.

St. Lucia and her Starboys

And then, best of all, family started arriving.....

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