Friday, June 3, 2011

Movie Night!

We've started a really fun tradition.

Almost every Friday night now, Rob brings home our favorite Marco's pizza (the pie is great, and my dear friend Elise's husband just opened it this month!). We get all set up in the living room with mini tables, chairs and towels (for milk spills and tomato sauce) and we all eat in the living room watching a family-friendly movie.

So far, we've hit up Milo and Otis, Toy Story 3, Curious George, Madeline in London and Kermit's Swamp Years (which took an unfortunate and unexpected turn towards a scary dissection scene. Madeline kept asking, "Are they going to cut that frog's tummy?" Oh well. Can't win 'em all).

Could I have imagined that this would be a blast ten years ago, as a new college grad hitting happy hours and getting gussied up every Friday and Saturday for dinners and concerts? Nope.

But it is.

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