Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thank You...

I had one of those wonderful moments that remind me how much I love my job, and that I'm exactly where I should be. Every night, we say bedtime prayers with Madeline -- a two-year-old version that goes something like, "Dear God, Thank you for the rain today that makes the flowers grow. Thank you for our family and our friends. And thank you for Mr. Potato Head." Last night, for the first time, I asked Madeline if she had anything she wanted to say thank you for. She took out her pacifier, looked at me and said, "Thank you for Mommy."



The Brown Family said...

Probably the sweetest thing I have ever heard! What a wonderful moment!

Jamie said...

Oh my gosh! Melt my heart!! What a sweetie! :)

Johanna said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! I hope you wrote that down somewhere. SO adorable!!! What a sweet little girl.